Personalized wellness solutions throughout your cancer journey.
Conveniently located in Northern Virginia serving the surrounding community with personalized care.
Have you recently been diagnosed with breast cancer or currently going through treatment? Are you experiencing discomfort or mobility issues as a result of treatment that are holding you back from enjoying everyday activities? At Athena Wellness, I'm here to guide you on your path to recovery and well-being. Together, we'll create a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you regain your strength and vitality.
Discover the benefits of personalized care.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Enhanced Mobility and Strength
Holistic Approach
Struggling with pain or mobility issues?
Transform your health journey with Athena Wellness.
At Athena Wellness, each patient's path to recovery is unique and personalized. By combining physical therapy and personal training, I strive to guide you through a tailored approach that aligns with your goals. With dedicated support in Northern Virginia, I am committed to helping you regain strength and confidence in your daily life.
Meet Sara Acheson
Your dedicated guide at Athena Wellness.
Sara Acheson at Athena Wellness is here to support your cancer journey every step of the way. Discover compassionate care that puts your well-being first, right in Northern Virginia.
Transform Your Life with Personalized Care
Schedule Your Evaluation
Personalized Treatment
Feel Amazing Today
Free Virtual 30-minute consults.
Are you unsure if Physical Therapy is appropriate for you? We are happy to schedule a free 30-minute appointment to answer any questions you may have to see if Physical Therapy would be beneficial to you.